But the snow interrupted our Christmas shopping. We did try to venture out the Tuesday and Wednesday before Christmas. Each time, we kept wondering "what were we thinking?" Of course, we don't have chains. You don't really need them in our part of the country. Quinn kept a shovel in our van so he could dig us out when necessary (it was necessary several times!). Trees and bushes were so burdened with snow that they fell over. Sadly, my favorite "photo" tree at my mom's house fell over.
"Oregon is boring without snow," Tanner informed us Saturday morning when we looked out the window and saw green grass again.
This is River Road (a major road near our house)
Many cars were snowed in. Luckily, ours were in the garage. But our driveway was snowed in!
The view from my mom's back porch. The power went out at our house several times one weekend and so Quinn, Taryn, & Tanner hiked over to Mom's to enjoy her electricity & heat!
The snow kept piling up.
Our house looks so beautiful in snow! Quinn dug a tiny path to our front door.