Here's the place. I didn't think to snap a photo on the way in, so I quickly took a picture through the car window as we waited to turn onto the main road!
Scott and Tanner helped look for a Christmas tree or maybe they just goofed around together!
Grandma looking for just the right small tree.
Scott, Quinn, Taryn, and Macey all helped cut down our Christmas trees. Taryn and Macey helped carry them to the car.
We got our tree baled (a first). It sure made it easier to put the tree in the tree stand. Proof that Quinn did come!
Our photo tradition--a picture of the kids with the trees in the car!
I always have to take an "artsy" shot. Here's a close up picture of the saws. After loading our trees in the car, we had hot chocolate and candy canes. It was a great outing!