This friend photo shoot was supposed to be a present for my friend, Monica. Her birthday was in June. Finally, the four of us were able to get together this week.
While I do not like to have my picture taken (I look so much better in my mind!), this was a fun experience. I set up one of my backdrops in my mom's backyard, and we took photos both using the black backdrop and Mom's lush foliage. All of us had to wear a dark, long-sleeved shirt or sweater. Taryn, my 16 year old, was the photographer. We tried a variety of poses; some were very successful and some were downright scary! It was fun to set up a pose, have Taryn take a shot, and then we'd look and analyze what changes we needed to make. I love digital cameras! I especially like the pose where Taryn climbed a ladder and shot down on us. Gone were any double chins. When we changed the photo to black and white, gone were most of our wrinkles too. We had such a great time and laughed a lot. I'm sorry it took us so long to do this. I need to do this now with some of my other friends...