Here are some of my favorite shots from this photo shoot.
welcome to garage studio photography
Monday, October 27, 2008
Fun Family Photo Shoot
My friend, Kelli, wanted to take some photos to use on her Christmas card. We discovered this brand-new park (it's not officially open yet) by the post office and thought we'd try to take some photos there. I was excited because it had several bridges and I could imagine poses of people or families leaning on the rails of the bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge rails are way too tall for any leaning! But the park had plenty of other great places for photos--big rocks, a split-rail fence, lots of greenery, benches and swings. The most difficult subject was Amos, Savannah's dog. He was watching the other dogs or the kids around the park. For some shots we had to wait until the kids or dogs were right behind me so that he'd be looking my way before we could take the picture!
Here are some of my favorite shots from this photo shoot.

Here are some of my favorite shots from this photo shoot.