Even though Sadie is 6 months old, I haven't really had the opportunity to take many photos of her. I thoroughly enjoyed shooting her!
welcome to garage studio photography
Thursday, February 19, 2009
if it's february, it's time for mikayla
Mikayla, my photo-partner-sister-in-law Kathi's granddaughter (can you follow that?), turned two in February and so we happily set up a time for the two of us to shoot her yearly photos. Sadie, Mikayla's 6 month old sister, joined the group. Kathi arrived with the two girls (their mom had to sleep before going into work) and all their stuff. No matter how many times we've photographed a group of very young kids, it always surprises me how much of a challenge it is to get kids posed just right and looking in the right direction. Kathi and I always end up very tired, sweaty and a little discouraged (until we look at the pics). And it's usually the oldest one who is the least predictable! Even candy doesn't always encourage cooperation!

Even though Sadie is 6 months old, I haven't really had the opportunity to take many photos of her. I thoroughly enjoyed shooting her!
Even though Sadie is 6 months old, I haven't really had the opportunity to take many photos of her. I thoroughly enjoyed shooting her!